California’s crusade against health care waste
One reason health care costs are so high is the exorbitant waste in our health care system. About one-third of all care provided to patients is considered “waste,” meaning that
One reason health care costs are so high is the exorbitant waste in our health care system. About one-third of all care provided to patients is considered “waste,” meaning that
Suzanne chats with Larry Levitt, Senior VP for Health Reform at the Kaiser Family Foundation, about employers’ role in health care coverage given the passage of the recent tax law.
Tricky question. As this Slate article explains, measuring the effect of providing insurance is difficult because those with insurance and those without may differ in many ways that cannot be controlled. Luckily, there
Roz Murray, CPR’s Senior Project and Research Manager, called Jeff Rideout and his team, Lindsay Erickson and Ginamarie Gianandrea, to learn about the Integrated Healthcare Association’s (IHA) effort to standardize
You’re probably aware that the U.S. spends a lot on cancer, but do you know how much? In 2014 roughly $88 billion was spent in the U.S. on cancer-related health care.
Suzanne is curious to learn from Michael Chernew, Health Economist and Professor at the Harvard Medical School, about employers’ role in demanding and participating in evaluations of payment and delivery
What do patients think makes for high-quality care? This is the question that the Public Agenda’s July 2017 report “Qualities That Matter: Public Perceptions of Quality in Diabetes Care, Joint
Suzanne calls Jeff Goldsmith, President of Health Futures, Inc and National Advisor to Navigant Healthcare, to learn why he has long been cynical of accountable care organizations (ACOs) and inquire