Showing 208–216 of 254 results
Market Competition
Market competition among both health care providers and health plans is critical for innovations in the cost and quality of care. Learn why employers should care, about the current trends, and a few tips to ensure that there is competition in the marketplace.$0.00 -
Specialty Pharmacy
Specialty pharmaceuticals are extremely high-cost medications, which are the fastest growing sector of pharmacy spending today. Learn more about these high cost drugs and strategies that stakeholders can look to in an attempt to curb the high costs of specialty pharmaceuticals.$0.00 -
Market Dynamics
While national payment and delivery reform efforts are afoot, a one size-fits-all solution is not likely to succeed across markets. Health care markets vary based on the dynamics of the key players (health plans, providers, and purchasers). Learn more about how market dynamics can impact reform efforts.$0.00 -
Quality Measures That Matter
The quality of health care varies significantly across the nation. Quality measures were developed to assess whether providers were delivering appropriate care and their patients were having positive outcomes as a result. However, now there are so many measures that it's difficult to know which ones matter the most. CPR conducted an analysis to identify the 30 most relevant measures for employers and health care purchasers. Get Started with the Quality Measures that Matter.$0.00 -
Evaluating Transparency Tools
The price and quality of health care can be displayed in a price and quality transparency tool. However, not all transparency tools have the key functionalities to make shopping for care easy for consumers. Learn about the key capabilities a transparency tool should possess.$0.00 -
Direct Contracting
Large, self-insured companies can work directly with health care providers to implement payment and delivery reforms. Learn more about direct-contracting and the potential benefits of working directly with health care providers to improve the health care system.$0.00 -
Accountable care organizations (ACOs)
Accountable care organizations (ACOs) are a new way to deliver health care and are increasing in prevalence. Learn more about these organizations and how providers are restructuring to provide care to patients by checking out this Get Started Brief.$0.00 -
$150.00 Buy -
Payment Methods: How They Work
With the support of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, CPR teamed up with the Urban Institute to explore how established and proposed payment methods and benefit design options work. This section of the project analyzes the attributes of nine different payment methods.$0.00 Download