Catalyst for Payment Reform

Jeffrey Davis on genetic testing in Silicon Valley

Jeffrey Davis on genetic testing in Silicon Valley

Suzanne Delbanco chats with Jeffrey Davis, MD, MPH, Senior Health Management Consultant with Willis Towers Watson, about a rapidly expanding area of intrigue for employers: genetic testing. He breaks down the types of genetic testing out there, as well as concrete steps employers can take to navigate this space. Jeffrey Davis, who consults for large companies on their health care benefits strategies, draws on research from Health Affairs to lay out the genetic testing landscape. Listen in to find out if genetic testing is more than just a “shiny new object” that Silicon Valley employers are using to retain top talent.

Interested in taking action in this area? CPR’s How-to Guide: Unraveling Genetic Testing Benefits is available for free to employer-purchasers. CPR leveraged Jeffrey Davis as a Subject Matter Expert to develop this toolkit, which includes Background and Education on the Genetic Testing Landscape; a Health Plan Questionnaire; a Health Plan Data Request Template; and a Framework to Evaluate Specialty Vendors.

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